
Spatial Distribution and Economic Growth, Germany: VDM Verlag
阅读:次 更新时间:2020-03-06


"Dr. Zhao poses the provocative question of how the geographical distribution of economic activity contributes to the aggregate growth of an economy. With an analysis that considers both time and space he examines the relationships between growth, the geographic distribution of growth and the distribution of inputs that contribute to growth. His analysis shows that productivity and earnings follow or lag "behind" the geographic distribution of employment both temporally and geographically. Further, he shows that the U.S. economy demonstrates a remarkable increase in both geographic scope and spatial intensity. The analysis is dynamic, the results convincing and provides one of the most significant analyses of the relationship between resource inputs and economic growth in a geographic context to date. It is a convincing temporally and spatially integrated and thus dynamic investigation that deserves consideration by the broad communities of economic geography, rural and urban planning and economic development." Roger R. Stough, NOVA Endowed Chair and Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA